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Student Loans & Flight Scholarships

Common strategies for obtaining aviation student loans and flight training scholarships

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Let's talk about the student loans

Demonstrating sufficient funding for the entire flight training program and the initial 6-12 months of living expenses abroad is a mandatory requirement when applying for a student visa at the United States or Canadian consulate. If an applicant is unable to demonstrate his/her financial standing and the ability to pay for the program using personal, sponsored or loaned funds, the visa application will be rejected. Therefore, the students must have one of the following documents to prove their financial standing:

Bank statement showing liquid funds on personal bank account, or
Bank statement showing liquid funds on parent's bank account, or
Bank loan sanction letter, or
Scholarship awards, or
Escrow account showing liquid funds provided by a sponsor

Those students who do not have ready funding to pay the flight training tuition fees, have to solve the age-old problem: "How can I get money for flight training?" At Aerocadet, we've been connecting prospective pilots with flight schools since 2012, and this question is always at the top of the list for anyone wanting to learn to fly, whether for a career, commuting, traveling or just for fun. In the past few years, we've seen several major sources of money for flight training completely dry up. But have no fear, pilot-to-be, there are still many ways to find money for flight training. In this section we will discuss all the financing options available to our students.

There are Seven common flight training financing options available for the international students:

1 Using personal or parent’s funds
2 Using a student loan from a local bank (most common)
3 Using a loan from a US or Canadian bank with a local co-signer
4 Using personal sponsor, such as a relative or a friend
5 Using government organization as sponsor
6 Using business as a sponsor
7 Using flight training scholarships

For options 2, 3, 5, 6 Aerocadet offers a special administrative support package (SLAS) that can help you obtain a student loan or a sponsorship sanction letter. Please review this process thoroughly by reading the information below in order to understand how to qualify for the aforementioned financing options. For option 7, Aerocadet awards annual flight training scholarships for international students.

Flight Training Scholarships

Academic performance-based scholarships are now available for our BSc program!

Can I get a full aviation scholarship?

It's important to clarify that the concept of a "flight training scholarship" or "aviation scholarship" is frequently misconstrued. In reality, an "aviation scholarship" offered to applicants at airline cadet programs often resemble a traditional student loan arrangement. Typically, a bank provides the financial support to a student based on a petition from an employer, commonly an airline or an aviation charter company. This petition includes a guarantee from the employer to offer the student a pilot position upon training completion, thereby ensuring the student's capacity to repay the loan.

aerocadet flight training scholarships

Apply for Aerocadet Scholarship

Aerocadet has a scholarship fund which annually gives out $15,000 award to three top international applicants. See how you can qualify >>>

aerocadet student loans application support

Apply for Bank Loan Petition

Aerocadet is the only company that provides a specially designed for international students bank loan petition package. See how you can qualify >>>

Other than the aforementioned system, there are no equivalent full flight training scholarships available for flight training candidates across North America, Europe, or other developed countries. Partial flight training scholarships ($500-$5000, in total) in North America are awarded annually to high-performing domestic students with excellent grades and significant community and volunteer work envolvement by several charitable organizations.

Read our blog artcile "How To Finance Your Aviation Training?" for more information >>

Academic scholarships vs. flight training scholarships.

Academic scholarships are typically granted by large colleges and universities to around ten percent of their top-performing students, incurring minimal costs for the institutions. For instance, if a school hosts a lecture with a hundred paying students, they can accommodate another ten students (10%) at negligible additional expense.

However, flight training is highly personalized, involving extensive one-on-one flight instruction and the use of costly training equipment like flight simulators, FTDs, airplanes, and fuel. Flight instruction cannot be conducted in a lecture hall, and flight lessons must adhere to legal requirements, often needing customization for each student's needs. Consequently, aviation schools, colleges, and even universities, with few exceptions, cannot afford to offer free flight training programs to local or international students.

Exceptions include countries like the UAE, where the government funds flight training for selected UAE citizens; Germany, where Lufthansa sponsors training for highly competitive German nationals; Russia, where the government covers training for select Russian citizens; and China, where the government funds training for several hundred competitive Chinese nationals. Typically termed "Cadet Programs," these scholarships mandate graduates to be nationals of the sponsoring country and commit to long-term employment contracts with national airlines. For example, Chinese graduates must commit to a 60-year service period. Additionally, the Russian government won't convert Russian licenses to other ICAO formats if pilots received scholarships for their initial training.

North America (U.S. and Canada) does not have comprehensive, full flight training scholarship programs. Only partial scholarships may be awarded by certain organizations, normally to outstanding domestic students, and rarely to international applicants.

Can I get a partial aviation scholarship?

Possibly. Here is the list of all the know to us organizations that offer partial flight training scholarships to domestic and international students. Partial scholarships are limited and range in size from $500 to $5,000 USD. It's important to emphasize that domestic students are given priority over international students in scholarship awards. Due to the limitations in scholarship size and the requirement for international students to demonstrate full funding for their program to apply for a U.S. or Canadian student visa, these partial scholarship options are not considered viable for international applicants.

You can also apply for a $5,000 USD annuall flight training scholarship grant by Aerocadet for any professional flight training program in the United States and Canada. Find out details here >>>

Can I get an academic scholarship?

Possibly. Partial performance-based scholarships are awarded to high-performing academic students, and only for the U.S. Degree Program with extensive academic and classroom segments; such programs do have conditional scholarships available to the foreign students. Specifically, our BSc in Aviation College Degree Program in Florida, USA, affords Aerocadet students a performance-based scholarship of up to $20,000 USD. To qualify, students must maintain 3.5 GPA (Grade Point Average) through their flight training and academic program.

More more information, please read our blog article: Do I need an aviation degree to become an airline pilot? >>

The BSc in Aviation College Degree Program scholarship is paid in the following format: $15,000 for the initial two-year AAS program (phases 1-6); $5,000 for the subsequent two-year Bsc program (phases 7-10). Please refer to the BSc in Aviation College Degree Program program outline for more information.

Financing by a U.S. or Canadian Sponsor

For those who have relatives or close friends living in the United States or Canada

Prospective students may secure financing for their training if they have a sponsor residing legally in the United States or Canada. A US/Canadian sponsor must be a permanent resident with stable employment, income, or substantial savings. Such sponsors may apply for a secured (second mortgage) or unsecured loan (with a good credit rating) alongside the student at their local bank, covering up to 100% of tuition fees. In this scenario, the student typically acts as the primary loan beneficiary, while the sponsor serves as a secondary co-signer. This setup ensures that if the primary co-signer fails to repay the loan, the responsibility falls on the secondary co-signer, who is a local resident. Once the loan is approved, designated for "Education," "Training," or "Career Development," the student can present the loan sanction letter as evidence of financial standing when applying for a student visa in the US or Canada. The inclusion of the student's name on the loan documents serves as proof to the consulate that the funds are intended for the student's tuition.

Another financing option is a personal loan or gift directly given to the student by the sponsor. In this case, the sponsor must officially earmark the funds for education by opening an escrow account, naming the student as the account's official beneficiary, depositing the money, and designating it solely for educational purposes. This ensures that the escrow company disburses the funds only to educational institutions, such as colleges and flight schools. When applying for a visa, the student must present the escrow account statement and its disbursement agreement to the US consulate. An escrow account can be opened with any bank in the US or Canada.

It's essential to note that merely providing a letter from the sponsor pledging to pay for flight training is insufficient, as its validity is not verifiable. The consulate will not seriously consider such a letter. Only depositing the full amount for training into an escrow account, where the student is named as a beneficiary, guarantees that the sponsor has pledged the funds for student's training and the student will use them for training as promised, and not for any other purpose. In addition, the sponsor may issue a separate letter stating their intention to cover the student's living expenses. This letter must be accompanied by the sponsor's annual earnings statement (W-2 form in the U.S. or T-4 Slip in Canada) and/or a bank statement showing sufficient funds to cover the student's expenses.

Student Sponsorship by a Local Organization

You can apply for scholarship sponsorhip locally!

Students can utilize our SLAS petition support package (details provided in the section below) to seek aviation scholarship sponsorship from the local airline cadet programs, local philanthropists, businesses, or government organizations.

However, if your sponsor is either a private individual (such as a relative) or a business (or government) organization, a mere letter of sponsorship submitted with the visa application will not suffice. Such individuals or organizations must transfer the necessary funds to a specially designated scholarship escrow account. This account, which can be opened by a domestic or North American escrow company, must explicitly state that the funds are earmarked for your tuition abroad and can only be reclaimed by the sponsor in the event that you are unable to obtain a student visa. This requirement extends beyond providing proof of funding to the consulate; it necessitates presenting the terms and conditions of the escrow account charter.

Private sponsors or organizations cannot solely rely on financial statements or lists of assets as proof of funding. The U.S. or Canadian government can only consider liquid assets, such as savings and checking accounts, to ensure that an immediate access to funds will be available to the student. Investments with fluctuating values or property deeds are never accepted as valid proof of financial standing. The U.S. or Canadian consulates seek confirmation that the students will have immediate access to funds to cover projected educational costs and ensure continued financial support throughout the duration of his flight program.

Local Student Loan with "SLAS" Petition

A real possibility of obtaining student loans with our support paperwork from your own bank

If you do not have a U.S.-based co-signer or a Canada-based sponsor, we can offer you a Petition Support Package, called S.L.A.S. to solicit, or petition for a student loan or an career development sponsorship in your own country, or at one of the partial scholarship organizations in the United States.

Please note: since over 85% of our students come from India, Aerocadet has established itself as a trusted flight training loan petitioner to several Indian banks utilizing our SLAS package. Find out how you can apply for a Student Loan in India >>>

If you are looking to solicit or petition for a student loan or scholarship from the local financial or government institution in your country, we can qualify you for a special SLAS petition package (Student Loan Application Support) contacting the following documents required by a bank in order to consider your application for a student loan. Your bank can be furnished SLAS petition package either in self-printed format with the QR-code link to electronically-based confirmation of your acceptance status via server, or it can be furnished in a full professionally-printed SLAS electronic and paper format (recommended).

You will be issued the following documents in e-format ($575.00 USD):

Aerocadet official program acceptance letter. This letter will be addressed to you, the Applicant, and confirm your elected flight training program objectives, post-completion internship and employment placement guarantees (conditional), as well as Candidate's (your) suitability for flight training and pilot career development based on multi-stage enrollment assessment by a leading aviation training expert (an active or retired Airline Pilot Captain). The letter will also contain a QR code allowing instant online verification of student status.
Global Air (BVI) Inc conditional employment offer. Global Air international ferry company will issue you an official letter confirming their intent to employ you as an trans-Atlantic ferry pilot, subject to certain conditions, such as completion of your flight training and internship program with Aerocadet. This letter serves as a loan or scholarship petition from a prospective employer with the guarantee of employment, and thus repayment of the loan to the bank or sponsor.
Flight training and internship contract. Raich Aerospace Group LLC / Aerocadet will issue you a flight training and internship contract with detailed explanation of terms and conditions, cost, and conditional internship and employment guarantees. Again, this contract serves as a petition for a loan, on behalf of the student, from Aerocadet.
Raich Aerospace Group LLC welcome letter. This letter should be used as a cover sheet for your Flight Training and Internship Contract.
Electronic Status Verification Student ID. Aerocadet's official program acceptance letter will contain a QR code allowing instant online verification of your student status. Student status can be verified by viewing Applicant's student ID online, on our "studentverify" server directory. 

Should you elect to add a printed format to the e-format for $125.00 extra, you will get all of the above documents in a printed format on the official letterheads, plus we will add the following items, which will be sent to you via FedEx courrier service using express international delivery:

Plastic student pilot ID card. Student pilot ID issued to you, and containing magnetic strip and microchip, which may be used to access secure academy and airport areas, when encoded by the training airport and the contracted FTP. (Please note: from June 2023, following a complaint from several airport authorities that an Aerocadet flight student have been caught using his Student Pilot ID to access airport sterile security area posing as a working flight crew, we will not be issuing physical student pilot IDs until students reach their training destination (United States or Canada). Because of that, Student Pilot IDs will be issued in an electronic format only. See Instant Status Verification Electronic Student ID for more details. We are currently working with the airport authority on the resolution of the said security issue and may resume issuing plastic IDs in the future).
Aerocadet pro-pilot training lanyard. This is a woven lanyard designed to carry your plastic student ID (Plastic ID will be issues after arrival at the FTP). 
Aerocadet professional pilot program presentation folder. This is a special high-gloss presentation folder professionally designed to impress any bank loan officer, and containing all the aforementioned documents to support your student loan application process. 
student loans for flight training USA
View sample

The entire paper support package will be executed on our (and our third-party provider's) headed paper, with the offical seals and signatures of the issuing organizations.

Student loan providers

You, as a candidate, must understand that the choice of loan provider, as well as the actual loan application or sponsorship solicitation strategy will be entirely up to you. However, we do recommend approaching local banks with the full SLAS packet confirming your eligibility for enrollment and post-graduation conditional guarantees of well-paid employment. Normally, banks require a proof that they are lending to a legible and academically capable student who would not have any issues paying back the loan after graduation. This is why our S.L.A.S. pack is so important: it settles the bank's doubts and concerns, and it confirms your eligibility for the program.

Eligibility criteria

International students applying for a domestic loan in their country must be able to demonstrate to Aerocadet a high level of English command, hold a certificate of secondary education (or higher), good fair academic matriculation scores (or higher), and take the online assessment test.

Indian applicants

If you are from India, please review a comprehensive list of financial organisations that are known to provide student loans to the Indian applicants. We currently have dozens of active student who have successfully obtained student loans from the local banks in India using Aerocadet's SLAS package.

Petition Qualification Process

Ready to qualify? It is fast and easy!

In order to assess your suitability and secure your employment placement upon completion of our flight training and internship program, we must ensure the validity and equivalence of your academic documents to the U.S. standard of full secondary education. This involves engaging an external agency to translate, evaluate, and verify your documents, as well as arranging for your pilot aptitude assessment test. Additionally, we will utilize a premier courier service, specifically FedEx, to deliver the required support package to you.

To offset the administrative costs associated with these essential services, we request an initial SLAS fee of $575 USD for the e-format package. If you require both electronic and paper format packages, an additional fee of $125.00 will apply. This deposit can be conveniently paid using a credit/debit card, PayPal account, or, upon request, via direct bank transfer. The fee will be collected during the second stage of your qualification process, as outlined below.

 Step 1 SLAS Application Form: You will need to fill out a SLAS. application form and make a $575 or $700.00 USD payment. The form is located here:

Student Loan Support Application Form
 Step 2

Admission Assessment Form: once you completed the SLAS application, you will need to fill out a full admission application and assessment form and upload your documents (at least your passport and a certificate of secondary education are required to complete the application). In the "Proof of Funding" section of the form upload a previously emailed to you by us SLAS application number as a PDF file instead of uploading a bank statement.

Full Initial Enrollment Application Form

 Step 3

Pilot Aptitude Assessment. An email from containing a personalized link to a short aptitude test will be sent to you within 24 hours after both forms are completed.

 Please note: assessment results may affect your SLAS eligibility status. The assessment results are collected and analyzed by our training department in order to provide the most suitable and effective training eligibility advise for each candidate. Should your overall test results indicate "Below Average" aptitude, you will be alllowed to re-take the assessment. If your assessment shows the same results on the second take, your SLAS application will be denied and your deposit will be refunded.
 Step 4

Verification of Academic Credentials. Once we receive the test results, if deemed necessary, we may elect to send out your academic diplomas for additional verification and evaluation. In this case, it normally takes 2 additional weeks to process the paperwork using an external agency (J.Silny & Associated Academic Credentials Evaluations).

 Step 5

Zoom Video Interview. You will need to conduct a short (15-20 minute) admission interview over Zoom. You will need to use our online scheduling software to schedule the inerview. Use this link to schedule your interview >>>

 Step 5

Signing of Program Contract. Once the positive validation feedback is received, we will send you a conditional flight training and internship contract, offer of paid internship and a letter of recommendation for flight training loan/sponsorship (the full SLAS packet).

 Step 6

Issuance of SLAS Pakage. The package will be issued to you via email. If you added printed documents, your documents will also be mailed in a paper format via FedEx Prority Courrier service. It normally take 3-7 working days for delivery.

You can then use the SLAS packet to solicit for a student loan. Once you secured the required funds, you can send us the confirmation letter from your sponsor or financial institution and we will continue with the visa support paperwork, so you can obtain F-1 academic visa to the United States or Canadian Student Permit. We will then place you in the next available class for one of the FPAP programs and reserve post-graduation internship slots. 

Application terms and conditions

Aerocadet retains the right to decline the provision of SLAS package documents if the Applicant fails to meet the required standards of the professional pilot training program. This may occur due to unusually low pilot aptitude test scores and/or a failure to demonstrate proficiency in English during the video interview, and/or displaying an intent to exploit the Aerocadet program for illegal immigration purposes. In the event of a below-average test score, the Applicant is entitled to one free pilot aptitude re-test. Once the Applicant's information and fee have been received and the application approved, the fee is non-refundable. If the Company chooses to reject the Applicant's application for the SLAS package, the SLAS fee paid by the Applicant will be reimbursed. However, if the Applicant decides to cancel the SLAS application after paying the fees, no refunds will be issued.

Frequent Questions

Got a question? Hang on, maybe we got an answer for you right here!

Can you sponsor my training?

Please note that we do not sponsor applicants and we do not provide academic scholarships. However, applicants can obtain student loans to cover up to 100% of tuition fees if (and ONLY if) they have a guarantor (co-signer) based in the United States. Such guarantor may be a close relative, friend, etc, and must be a permanent US resident or a US citizen.

Can you serve as my co-signer?

Finding a co-signer is a highly personal and private matter, which is normally provided by your close relatives or long-term friends. You are, effectively, asking them to repay your loan of $70,000 in case you decide not, or unable to pay. So, none of our staff, our management, or myself personally, can help you with this arrangement.

What's included in the support package?

The package will include the following documents: a letter confirming the suitability of your candidacy for flight training at our Full Professional Airline Pilot Program, a special flight training suitability card (issued to you after taking the Online assessment), validate your enrollment status, provide an offer of paid internship and a conditional guarantee of subsequent employment placement with the airlines. Our support pack will also include such bonus items as Aerocadet pilot lanyard.

What is GPA? (Scholarships)

GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is a standard way of measuring academic achievement in the U.S. Basically, it goes as follows: Each course is given a certain number of "units" or "credits", depending on the content of the course. In secondary school, most courses carry the same number of units, but this is not true at the college level. Most college courses have a load of three units (approximately three hours of lecture and six hours of homework per week for each semester), but the number can vary from fractions of 1 to more than 5. GPA assumes a grading scale of A, B, C, D, F. Each grade is assigned a number of grade points. An A grade receives 4 points, a B=3, a C=2, a D=1, and an F=0. The process is the same whether you are working on secondary or college grades.

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2024 © Raich Aerospace Group LLC, DBA "AEROCADET" (est. 2012) - an aviation training education and consulting agent. All articles, images are subject to copyright.