How to Become a Cathay Pacific Pilot?

Become Pilot Cathay Pacific

In the world of aviation, few names command as much respect and admiration as Cathay Pacific. Synonymous with luxury, professionalism, and impeccable service, Cathay Pacific has soared to the upper echelons of the airline industry since its inception in 1946. Central to its success are the pilots who navigate its aircraft through the skies, embodying a legacy of excellence and prestige.

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At the heart of Cathay Pacific’s success lies its pilots, whose dedication and expertise have earned the airline a reputation for safety and reliability. Rigorous training programs, state-of-the-art simulators, and continuous education ensure that Cathay Pacific pilots are among the best in the world. Therefore, for many aviators, joining Cathay Pacific represents the pinnacle of their careers. The airline’s reputation for excellence, coupled with its diverse fleet and global reach, makes it an attractive destination for aspiring pilots. Flying for Cathay Pacific offers not only competitive salaries and benefits but also the opportunity to work alongside some of the industry’s brightest minds.

Pilots at Cathay Pacific enjoy a lifestyle that blends adventure with stability. From navigating the bustling skies of Hong Kong to exploring far-flung destinations across six continents, each flight offers a new and exhilarating experience. Yet, amidst the excitement, Cathay Pacific pilots benefit from the airline’s unwavering commitment to safety and work-life balance, ensuring they return home to their loved ones after each journey.

As the aviation industry evolves, Cathay Pacific remains at the forefront of innovation. From investing in sustainable aviation fuel to embracing cutting-edge technology, the airline is committed to reducing its environmental footprint while continuing to provide exceptional service to passengers. And for Cathay Pacific pilots, this means adapting to new aircraft, procedures, and regulations while upholding the highest standards of safety and professionalism. It’s a challenge they embrace wholeheartedly, knowing that they are not only shaping the future of aviation but also carrying forward a legacy built on excellence and prestige.

In this article, we will be discussing the three most important questions for the aspiring Cathay pilots: the salary and the benefits package which is offered to second officers, first officers, and captains at Cathay Pacific, the job security and the pilot selection process.

Salaries and Benefits

Cathay Pacific employs three types of pilots. The type at the top of the pack are the Captains. We will discuss their salaries and benefits a little later. The middle layer pilots are the First Officers and the lower layer, similar to the interns, are the Second Officers. The captains are in charge of the flight and the aircraft, and they are called the “aircraft commanders”. The first officers are direct assistance to the captain, they help to take off and land aircraft and they can fly it during all the critical phases of operation. The second officers normally serve as cruise and relief pilots, and take control of the aircraft during the non-critical phases of flight, normally about 25,000 feet, during the cruise operations. Each pilot layer has its own remuneration and benefit package, and it normally takes 5-6 years to progress or “upgrade” from one layer to another, until the top layer is reached. We will discuss seller and benefits for each layer below.

Second Officers

Cathay Pacific Airways, renowned for its exceptional service and global reach, offers competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits packages for Second Officers, attracting top aviation talent from around the world. Aspiring pilots keen on joining this prestigious airline are often intrigued by the compensation and perks associated with the position.

As of 2024, Second Officer at Cathay is normally offered a contract with the salary of approximately $6,000 USD per month and the living allowance of $2,000 USD per month, making the whole cash-paid monthly remuneration package of approximately $8,000 USD.  

First Officers

Just like in the Second Officer case, the exact salaries for the First Officers are based on the type of aircraft they fly and the amount of flight-hours they do every month. So, the resulting salary varies. However, an average approximate salary for a First Officer pilot at cathay can be estimated as $10,000 USD per month, with the living allowance of $2,000 USD per month, making the whole cash-paid monthly remuneration package of approximately $12,000 USD.  


Estimating total salary for the captains at Cathay is more complicated. This is because, in addition to the base salary, Captains at Cathay Pacific also receive various allowances, performance and retention bonuses, contract completion and renewal bonuses and various benefits as part of their overall remuneration package. These can include housing allowances, travel benefits, retirement plans, and health insurance, among others.

Just like in the first officer case, the resulting pay is dependent on the type of aircraft flown, and amount of flight hours per month. But, based on the average remuneration information, Cathay Captains normally get paid a salary of $20,000 USD per month. Again, this figure could be slightly higher or lower, depending on their monthly work-load.

Peripheral Benefits

In addition to the competitive salaries, Cathay Pacific provides a range of benefits designed to support the well-being and professional growth of their pilots, including:

    1. Flight Benefits: Pilots and their eligible family members are entitled to discounted or complimentary travel on Cathay Pacific flights, allowing them to explore destinations worldwide.
    2. Healthcare Coverage: Comprehensive medical coverage is provided to pilots and their dependents, ensuring access to quality healthcare services when needed.
    3. Retirement Plans: Cathay Pacific offers retirement plans or pension schemes to pilots, helping them plan for their financial future and enjoy a secure retirement.
    4. Training and Development: The airline invests in the professional development of its pilots, offering opportunities for training, advancement, and specialization within the company.
    5. Work-Life Balance: Cathay Pacific prioritizes work-life balance for its pilots, with rostering practices designed to accommodate rest and recreation.
    6. Employee Assistance Programs: Pilots have access to employee assistance programs, offering support for various personal and professional challenges they may encounter.
    7. Insurance Coverage: Pilots may receive insurance coverage for disability, life insurance, and other forms of protection.
    8. Housing Allowance: Depending on their base and employment contract, pilots may receive housing allowances to assist with accommodation expenses.
    9. Meal Allowances: Pilots may receive meal allowances during layovers or flights, ensuring they have access to nutritious food while on duty.
    10. Uniform Allowance: Cathay Pacific provides pilots with uniforms and may offer allowances to maintain or replace them as needed.
    11. Transportation Allowance: Pilots may receive allowances to cover transportation costs associated with commuting to and from work.
    12. Annual Leave: Pilots are entitled to annual leave days, allowing them to take time off for rest, vacation, or personal reasons.
    13. Sick Leave: Cathay Pacific offers sick leave benefits to pilots, providing financial support and time off when they are unable to work due to illness or injury.
    14. Family Support Programs: The airline may offer family support programs or benefits to assist pilots and their families with childcare, education, or other family-related needs.

Please note that the specific benefits provided to pilots at Cathay Pacific may vary based on their employment contract, rank, and other factors. Additionally, benefits packages may be subject to change over time. Despite that, it is fair to say that employment with this airline is considered to be one of the most prestigious and well-paid  and stable jobs in the South-East Asia.

Application for Cathay Employment

Cathay is famous for employing pilots from all over the world, regardless of their passport and nationality. This is because the airline flies all over the world, and there is not enough Hong Kong residence to provide employment resources for this large operation. There are two main and most popular ways to get employed by the Pacific by the international applicants: SODE – Second Officer Direct Entry and FODE – First Officer Direct Entry.

Second Officer Application

Cathay has low entry-level requirements for second officer candidates, allowing most newly-certified CPL pilots to apply for the job. This is why it’s one of the most popular airlines to get employed after completing flight school and initial propeller internship. Unlike Emirates, Cathay does not require applicants to have type ratings or jet flight time to be eligible for consideration.

Lets review the basic requirements to be eligible:

  • ICAO Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) or Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) with a Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR). ATPL obtained from English-speaking developed western countries is preferred.
  • Minimum 250 hours of flying experience (1000 hours and Multi-crew cooperation or 1500 hours of total time is preferred).
  • A valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
  • ICAO English language proficiency Level 4 or above (ICAO 5 is preferred).
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate

Cathay Pacific, just like Emirates Airlines (see a separate article on how to get employed by Emirates here >>>), publishes minimum application requirements, which are not exactly the same as the preferred candidate qualifications. For example, the required minimum license is a CPL, but they actually prefer a full ATPL with 1500 hours of total time and 1000 hours of multi-crew operation. This means that if you just go to a flight school and get a basic CPL with 250 hours total time – your chances of being considered for employment as So at Cathay will be very low. Almost Zero. However, if you go to a flight training program which is integrated with internship, offering over 1500 hours of flight time and a full ATPL, plus an option for multi-crew flight time – your chances of being employed by Cathay rise dramatically, and you become an extremely competitive candidate. Finally, one of the most important considerations for Cathay Pacific is bringing western flying mentality to the airline. Immersion into such mentality during the flight training period increases flight crew’s safety orientation, ensures that the pilot has achieved a high level of English language command, overall aviation knowledge and erudition, and makes sure that his licensing has been obtained honestly, legally and without any bribery, which is a common occurrence in the developing countries. This is the type of entry-level Second Officer pilots that Cathay is really looking for. To achieve those qualifications quickly, we recommend that applicants enroll into our fast track Zero to ATPL flight training and internship program in the United States. This program is specifically designed to allow students to achieve all they preferred application requirements in order to become second officer with Cathay Pacific, and stand out as the most competitive applicant in the candidate pool.

See also: “How to get multi-crew turbine flight time in the United States on F-1 visa >>>” and “How to get multi-crew turbine flight time in Canada on the Student Permit >>>”

First Officer Application

The requirements for the FO applications are a lot more advanced, and require for the applicant to have some sort of experience of flying for an airline.

To become a First Officer with Cathay, you meet these requirements:

  1. An CAO Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) or a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) with a Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR). You must have passed the same state ATPL examinations without any exemptions or conversions.
  2. Class 1 Medical Certificate.
  3. English language proficiency should be at Level 4 or above according to ICAO standards.
  4. You must have a minimum total flying time of 1500 hours, (with 3000 hours preferred). This should include:
    • 500 hours as Pilot in Command Under Supervision (P1 U/S), or
    • 250 hours as Pilot in Command (P1), or
    • 250 hours as P1 or P1 U/S, including at least 70 hours as P1 And it should include either A) or B) below: A) 500 hours in civil aircraft for multi-crew operations with Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) greater than 45,000 kg Or B) 500 hours in civil aircraft certified for multi-crew operations with MTOW greater than 10,000 kg, or aircraft certified and configured for more than 19 passengers. This should include at least 250 P1 and/or P1 U/S hours in the preceding 5 years, or 100 sectors in the preceding 5 years.

As you can see, to be eligible for direct entry as a first officer, the airline expects you to have experience working for an entry-level airline as a first officer flying such aircraft as a CRJ-700/900 or even A320 and B737.  If you have flown a CRJ aircraft, they want you to have at least 250 hours command time over the last five years. If you flew as a first officer on Airbus 320 or Boeing 737, they want you to have at least 500 hours of just First Officer flight time on such aircraft – no captain flight time is required. Such qualifications could be obtained after completion of Aerocadet’s flight training in Canada, then completion of the initial propeller internship, and then completion of at least two years of internship as a first officer with a local airlines. Aerocadet has a specific program which allows students to progress through all those phases and become eligible for employment with the Middle Eastern airlines and Cathay Pacific as a first officer.

Passing the Interview and Assessment Process

Understanding Cathay Pacific’s hiring process and how they select candidates through their three-day interview process is crucial. In this discussion, we’ll specifically focus on the interview process for Second Officer candidates. Cathay Pacific is known for being a popular choice among school graduates without prior jet time experience. Let’s delve into the details.

Initial Assessment

On the first assessment day, you’ll be tasked with completing several IQ tests. These tests include two levels of Raven Progressive Matrices, designed to gauge how quickly candidates can process visual pattern information and think logically. We strongly advise candidates to practice these tests for a few days beforehand. Familiarizing yourself with the tests and understanding their requirements can significantly increase your chances of success. Conversely, attempting the tests without practice may jeopardize your employment prospects with Cathay Pacific. Aerocadet offers free access to a study library, which includes links to preparation tests for Emirates. The same preparation can be beneficial for those applying to Cathay Pacific.

On the same day, you’ll also need to take a brief general knowledge test about Cathay Pacific. This test covers topics such as the airline’s history, primary base, types of aircraft operated, and popular routes. All this information can be found on Cathay Pacific’s Wikipedia page, so we strongly recommend reviewing it before the test.

Following the initial assessment, there will be a wait of two to three weeks while the recruitment team evaluates candidates. If you rank in the top 30% during the assessment, you can expect to receive a callback for an interview. Interviews can be conducted remotely, so regardless of your location, you may be contacted by a Cathay Pacific representative. For candidates residing outside of Hong Kong, the airline typically provides business-class tickets for both the candidate and their spouse to travel to Hong Kong for the interview.

Upon arrival in Hong Kong, you’ll be accommodated at a crew hotel in the city center, known for its excellent amenities. You’ll receive the interview schedule, outlining the phases of the interview process. The interview consists of three assessment days, with each day requiring successful completion before advancing to the next one.

Interview Day 1

On the first assessment day, you’ll encounter a series of technical tests and Crew Resource Management (CRM) exercises. Firstly, you’ll tackle a 30-minute basic arithmetic test, where you’ll be asked to perform simple calculations mentally, such as solving equations like 45+18-26.

Following this, you’ll move on to panel interviews focusing on your resume and aeronautical knowledge. Expect questions like “Explain hydroplaning and the formula for calculating the speed of a hydroplaning tire.”

The final part of the day involves a group exercise to assess your CRM skills. You’ll be presented with a navigation problem, like a flight plan with fuel details and weather issues at the destination airport. Working as a team, you’ll need to discuss whether to divert due to weather and calculate the diversion route, considering factors like fuel, flight time, and wind.

Once you’ve completed this assessment day, you’ll head back to your hotel to rest and prepare for the next day’s activities.

Interview Day 2

On the second day of the assessment, you’ll face a series of panel interviews focusing on your flight training, work experience, resume, reference letters, and a thorough review of your flight logbook. The panelists, consisting of experienced airline captains, will delve into your aeronautical knowledge, asking questions like “Explain hydroplaning and the formula for calculating the speed of a hydroplaning tire.”

You’ll also be questioned about your motivation for wanting to fly for Cathay Pacific and your willingness to live in Hong Kong for your aviation career. These interviews aim to gauge your suitability for the role and your commitment to the airline and its location.

Finally, you will be asked to take a short simulator assessment to see how you fly a complex aircraft, such as b747. You definitely want to come to this assessment after you have flown a B747 sim at your country – ask for the Cathay sim profile and practice for 2-4 hours.

Interview Day 3

On the third day of the assessment, you’ll undergo further interviews, including an HR panel interview to evaluate your fit within the company culture. Additionally, your English proficiency will be assessed by a language specialist, and your health will be evaluated by a local doctor.

In the evening, you and your spouse (if applicable) will be invited to a short cocktail party. Here, HR specialists will have the opportunity to interview your spouse as well. This interview aims to determine whether your spouse is willing to relocate to Hong Kong and support you throughout your aviation career.

Please note: Cathay has been known to mix-up activities during the assessment days to surprise the candidates, Every activity can take place during

Final Employment Offer

After successfully completing all the interview stages, day four will mark the culmination of the process. You’ll receive your employment offer, sign job contracts, and be assigned a specific class date to commence your training with Cathay Pacific.

During the training period, you’ll have the opportunity to convert your ICAO license to the Hong Kong format and obtain a type rating for the specific aircraft designated by the airline for your operation. It’s worth noting that all training is provided free of charge, and you’ll receive both your basic Second Officer salary and a living allowance during this time.

Selecting the Correct Flight Training Program

As discussed earlier, simply obtaining a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) may not be enough to make you competitive when applying for employment with Cathay Pacific. You’ll be in a pool of applicants, likely thousands of other pilots, many of whom will have similar qualifications. To stand out and increase your chances of being hired, it’s crucial to demonstrate that you’ve gone above and beyond basic flight training.

To be competitive, having at least a fully endorsed Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) from a developed country, along with some work experience supported by reference and recommendation letters, is essential. That’s why we’ve developed a specialized program in the United States to meet these requirements.

Our program in the United States is designed to take you from zero to a Commercial Pilot License and a Flight Instructor License in just 12 months. Following this, you’ll enter an internship as a flight instructor, where you’ll gain valuable experience and accumulate 600 hours of total flight time.

After completing the internship, you have the option to continue as a flight instructor to further build your flight time, or you can transition to working as a commercial pilot for one of our operations in Florida. This opportunity allows you to gain multi-engine turboprop flight time in a multi-crew environment, aligning with Cathay Pacific’s preferences.

Furthermore, our advanced internship program provides the opportunity to build long-haul transatlantic cross-country flight time as a commercial ferry pilot with one of our Caribbean partners. Throughout these experiences, you’ll receive excellent reference and recommendation letters from us, your flight instructors, the charter operator, and the advanced internship company. Please review this program outline for more information >>>

These qualifications and experiences will position you as an outstanding and valuable candidate when applying for employment with Cathay Pacific, setting you apart from other applicants in the competitive aviation industry!

(For those who do not want to work as Second Officers at Cathay, and instead want to apply for the First Officer direct entry with them, you will need to elect a program which takes longer, but offers an opportunity to build the required for this application jet time. For this purpose, enrolling into our Canada program which offers flight training integrated with the propeller internship, integrated with PR application and subsequent employment as first officers in the Canadian Airlines – would be a recommended option. Please review the program outline for more information >>>)


Questions? Comments? Send us an email to or schedule a free consultation call with one of our airline pilot consultants here >>>

View Aerocadet’s “How to Become Cathay Pacific Pilot” webinar conducted May 15th, 2024, on our You Tube Channel >>>


About the Author:

Russ Sherwood is an airline captain and a line check pilot at a major US airline flying the A320/321 fleet. He has logged over 9000 flight hours and holds airline, commercial and flight instructor pilot licenses issued by the FAA (US), CAAC (China) and DGCA (Indonesia).  Russ is also a lead aviation career development consultant for Aerocadet


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